cute people [kyoot pee-puh] (noun)

a. an individual who exudes an energy b. someone who causes you to do a double-take c. people who pay attention to style detail d. chic and good looking individuals.

 -whether it be their style, hair, personality or just a smile, you have to admit everyone enjoys
 .C U T E P E O P L E.


LAKEVIEW-on the street, fantastically cute!

Caitlyn L. 21 student. She has quickly become a good friend here in chicago and is always dressed adorably. it's hard to look bad when you have that beautiful red hair, her cute smile and that skirt.


dez.fair said...


Brenna S said...

i want her shoes and her skirt, thank you.

Anonymous said...

dez loves the reds

Caitlin_Marie said...

....what if red heads ruled the world?

Candace said...

the colors here work so nice together!