cute people [kyoot pee-puh] (noun)

a. an individual who exudes an energy b. someone who causes you to do a double-take c. people who pay attention to style detail d. chic and good looking individuals.

 -whether it be their style, hair, personality or just a smile, you have to admit everyone enjoys
 .C U T E P E O P L E.


LAKEVIEW-on the street, cute!

correy and i are in the middle of obsessing over each other, then we turn around to this lady wearing a beautiful hounds tooth shirt. we take her photo, blink, and i notice this fantastic head of hair. she turned out to be an art institute student and knew all about scad. i like her, we should be friends.


dez.fair said...
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Anonymous said...

that hounds tooth dress is adorable.

Candace said...

i LOVE that bright streak of color on that glorious head of hair ....and i want her earrings! :)